Friday, November 25, 2011

The very shoe roses had to be got by proxy....

For the historical costumers and other fashion fans that follow this blog: 

"Pemberley" Regency Shoe Pre-Sale OPEN + Giveaway!

Go forth, merry historical holiday shoppers, and order a pair of Pemberlies, the perfect Regency shoe, for your Jane Austen-obsessed love one, or treat yourself!

Pre-Order Now
November 25 - December 9
$80 ($95)
Click Here 

Ordering is UNLIMITED, on all women's USA sizes 6 through 12, including half sizes.

Orders of 5 + receive the special pre-order price, plus quantity and shipping discounts.

Delivery in early 2012.

*We need to sell just over 100 pairs of Pemberlies in order to manufacture them.  If we don't meet that goal, all of you who did order will have to be refunded in full, and the Pemberlies will be canceled.  If this is the Regency shoe of your dreams, please share, blog, tweet, tumble, stumble, and pass the news along.*

And when you share, you could win....

Pemberley Regency Shoe Giveaway

About the Prize:
The "Pemberley" Regency shoes are closely based on extant footwear from the 1790s through 1810.  The smooth, dyable, hand-sewn leather upper is designed to be lovely enough formal occasions, and durable enough for walking in the countryside.  Particular attention was paid to the point of the toe, as well as the other hallmarks of Regency historical footwear, with the main goals being both historical accuracy and all-day comfort

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Ca ira mon amour" - Rod Janois (1789 Les Amants de la Bastille)

Despite having taken some translation classes, the Amateur Historian is a very indifferent poet. Therefore this translation is more literal than poetic. If I have made any errors, Gentle Readers, please comment and I will fix it. Many thanks and happy listening! (Also important to note, the phrase 'Ça ira' is an important revolutionary slogan, and the name of a cheerfully violent revolutionary song (are there any other kind?) about hanging aristocrats on lampposts.)


(Translation by the Amateur Historian, will whatever vague intellectual property things come from an amateur internet translation. If you use it, Gentle Readers, steer people back to my blog, is what I'm saying.)

This fear which undresses me

To have dared to put your name on my skin

And these tears which remove your make-up

Come take my reason under their streams

Despite it all

The looks which shoot

Close to us

The flag that wavers

After all

We don’t care

Care, care, care….

It will be, my love!

Ah! It will be forever!

Go, lovers, declare our forbidden vows

It will be my love!

One will forget the military drums

On all the walls I will write, I swear it,

Dear Liberty!/ Liberty my dear!

I have dreamed of our touching bodies

Caressed by the spirit of our ideals

I put my tongue on your mouth

Savoring the essence of your smallest words

Despite it all

Desire is fragile

Close to us

Pleasure in danger

After all

We don’t care

Care, care, care….

It will be my love!

Ah! It will be forever!

Go, lovers, declare our forbidden vows

It will be my love!

One forgets the military drums

On all the walls I will write, I swear,

Dear Liberty!/ Liberty my dear!

My love

It’s your life that I marry/ take on

In that day

Set in red roses

Go, lovers

One must laugh and dance

Here is the free spring!

It will be my love.

We will write that great day

I will offer you my nights for life

It’s promised.

It will be my love!

Ah! It will be forever.

Go, lovers, declare our forbidden vows.

It will be my love.

One will forget the military drums

On all the walls I will write, I swear it,


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1789 Ca ira mon amour - Rod Janois (clip officiel)

One of the Amateur Historian's friends sent her this lovely video. If the Amateur Historian feels inspired/ bored enough, perhaps there will be a translation for those Gentle Readers who do not speak French. If not, pray enjoy the break-dancing prisoner of the Bastille and the dance troupe formally known as the National Guard.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bringing New Meanings to Crimes Against Fashion

Though now-a-days the top hat is seen as a conservative anachronism, when it was first debuted in 1795, it was treated like one of Lady Gaga's more bizarre creations.

London haberdasher John Hetherington decided to wear his on the Strand on January 15, 1795, and caused such a riot that he was brought before the Lord Mayor the next morning. He was charged with "walking down a public highway wearing upon his head a tall structure having a shining lustre calculated to alarm the people."

The Lord Mayor, taking into account eye-witness accounts that "women had fainted... children had gone into hysterics and... one lad sustained a broken arm through the violence of the mob" ignored Hetherington's assertion that he had the right to dress as he chose and fined him the modern-day equivalent of $5,000.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cutest Napoleon Ever?

Fun fact: Napoleon wasn't actually all that short, he a) liked surrounding himself with six-foot-odd bodyguards and b) was actually of average height, just measured himself in French units instead of British ones, thus causing centuries of confusion. Still, I don't think world domination has ever been this cute before.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Three Musketeers Never Do Use Muskets

In honor of the new film adaptation of 'The Three Musketeers', which the Amateur Historian is still not sure she wants to see, have this better book title:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Poe-st

The Amateur Historian realizes that this is a bit late, but what better than a hauntingly autumnal and metafictional take on Edgar Allen Poe's last days to celebrate Halloween? Too bad we shall have to wait until March to see how this horror story unfurls.